While we can’t promise this will make the menu, we can promise, if it does, you will need to hurry to get one. We really liked this beer, but if you want the truth, we think it is a little spoofilated. We are also going to be getting some better (and cheaper) Rauchbier with more palatable alcohol levels. Take Schlenkerla for example, some crazy Germans in Bamberg (we don’t know anything about their psychological states, we just assume they are crazy) make a smoked Marzen which is pretty killer. More importantly, they make a Helles we like even better. The Helles, our “bright” beer, isn’t smoked at all, but the place is just so damn smokey it takes on this hint of campfire and minerals which is delish. Put it next to a shot of Joven Mezcal and you will be willing to play your sister in Chutes and Ladders for another round!
Source: Old H+F Blog