We are like the post office round these parts–neither sleet, nor snow, nor rain are going to shut us down. Come in out of the elements and we’ll serve you up a tasty libation. –Now[ish] Source: Old H+F Blog
Quiet Kitchen
Oh what glorious stuff this is, this restaurant business. And in all this glory perhaps the most remarkable time is now. When the shift is over. Not because the people have gone and the job is done, but because it is time for deep breaths and work-well-done-congratulations. The show is over. The night was …
Quiet Kitchen
Oh what glorious stuff this is, this restaurant business. And in all this glory perhaps the most remarkable time is now. When the shift is over. Not because the people have gone and the job is done, but because it is time for deep breaths and work-well-done-congratulations. The show is over. The night was …
Ashtray Heart
While we can’t promise this will make the menu, we can promise, if it does, you will need to hurry to get one. We really liked this beer, but if you want the truth, we think it is a little spoofilated. We are also going to be getting some better (and cheaper) Rauchbier with …
Ashtray Heart
While we can’t promise this will make the menu, we can promise, if it does, you will need to hurry to get one. We really liked this beer, but if you want the truth, we think it is a little spoofilated. We are also going to be getting some better (and cheaper) Rauchbier with …
Barn Beams
We found these beauties, true six-by-sixes, in the barn. They are going to be the perfect under-bar step where you will rest your feet, now that the pigeon shit is cleaned off. And they were our favorite price: FREE. –Now[ish] Source: Old H+F Blog
Barn Beams
We found these beauties, true six-by-sixes, in the barn. They are going to be the perfect under-bar step where you will rest your feet, now that the pigeon shit is cleaned off. And they were our favorite price: FREE. –Now[ish] Source: Old H+F Blog
Mexican Barking Rat
So, we finally got this passage in the basement blocked up. It separates our spot from the adjacent business. Thank Jesus. Everyone knows how those antiquities dealers like to get loose at all hours. And with nothing stopping them, they might be smuggling out our booze or filming a “Great Escape” reboot in our …
Mexican Barking Rat
So, we finally got this passage in the basement blocked up. It separates our spot from the adjacent business. Thank Jesus. Everyone knows how those antiquities dealers like to get loose at all hours. And with nothing stopping them, they might be smuggling out our booze or filming a “Great Escape” reboot in our …
Richard Serra
Sorry to our followers (both of you), it has been a bit since we have written, which is not fair to you. But take a look at what we have been working on while you try to forgive us… These tin ceiling pieces came out of another joint on Market Street (we…er…ahem… “recycled” them). …